
annular combustor meaning in Chinese



  1. Numerical study on annular combustor combustion flow of a gas turbine
  2. Large - eddy simulation of turbulent spray combustion in an annular combustor
  3. It is shown that results of study are useful for the optimum design of an annular combustor with the swirler cup
  4. In this paper combustion performances of the single - head annular combustor with different swirler cups are investigated by experiment and numerical simulation . under different fuel - air ratios , profiles of exit temperature 、 combustion efficiency 、 lean blowout limit and pollutant emission are measured
    在相同的双级旋流器情况下,试验分析不同油气比对单头部环形燃烧室的出口温度分布、燃烧效率、贫油熄火油气比以及污染物( co _ 2 、 co和nox )排放等燃烧性能的影响规律。

Related Words

  1. camshaft annular type combustor
  2. annular saw
  3. annular wheel
  4. annular termination
  5. annular micrometer
  6. annular slot
  7. annular grid
  8. annular anomaly
  9. annular crack
  10. annular ducting
  11. annular collenchyma
  12. annular combustion chamber
  13. annular complex
  14. annular contact
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